Over the years Costa Duarte have acquired experience and expertise in the area of Public Procurement by providing advice and consultancy services to several municipalities on Public Tenders as well as in the subsequent Insurance Portfolio Management.

Costa Duarte acts as the Client’s partner contributing to an optimal risk management of the organization, its people, assets and duties by taking up that responsibility and liberating the time and resources of the organization to focus on their core business.

Our focus is on:

Detecting and studying the main risk exposures;

Auditing the existing insurance portfolio and Benchmarking with the best market practices;

Designing alternative insurance solutions;

Advising in the preparation of Public Tenders and the review of the proposals;

Implementing the Insurance Program and its compliance process

• Ensuring the correct issuance of the Insurance Policies and endorsements;

• Managing the Premium billing process;

• Assisting in the notification, negotiation and settlement of claims

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We will find the best insurance solutions for your business.

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