We provide information about our company and about our obligations towards clients, as well as their rights.
Information only available in Portuguese
Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy provides an overview of how Costa Duarte processes your data and what are your rights in this matter, according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – and other legislation applicable to data protection and privacy, including local legislation complementing the GDPR.
Special Information Duties
The Special Information Duties are intended to comply with the information that Costa Duarte is obliged to in accordance to the Article 31st, of Law 7/2019, of 16 January.
Treatment Policy
The Treatment Policy establishes the principles, rules and procedures that must be observed within the framework of Costa Duarte's relationship with its policyholders, insureds, beneficiaries or third parties.
Information available only in Portuguese.
The commitment of Costa Duarte to excellence makes the service provided to clients the centre of its activity. However, we recognize that we may occasionally fail to meet your expectations about our services and if you wish to make a complaint you must follow the attached procedures.
Code of Business Conduct
The Code of Business Conduct represents Costa Duarte's principles and our values, setting the standards for how we work with each other, our clients and our business partners.
Information available only in Portuguese.
Family Responsible Entity (efr)
During 2024, Costa Duarte was certified as a Family Responsible Entity (efr).
This is a certification launched by the Másfamilia Foundation, promoting a tool for conciliation management in companies with the aim of respond to the current context marked by flexibility, competitiveness and commitment, with clear objectives, valued reconciliation measures and evaluation metrics around five major categories:
-family support;
-quality of work;
-personal and professional development;
-temporal and space flexibility;
-equal opportunities;
This process is a catalogue of work-life balance measures, action plans for its implementation, monitoring tools, ongoing training and participation actions.
Information available only in Portuguese.
Commitment ESG
Costa Duarte is committed to a more inclusive and sustainable future in terms of ESG.
Annual Reports and Accounts